What you do for beauty







this beauty thing is demanding – some stats??? well maybe not stats but some disturbing numbers

  1. If you wear make up regularly then over a life time its likely that you will spend the equivalent of 9 days applying the stuff.
  2. If you wear lipstick and diligently reapply it it is likely you will eat 4.5 kilos of lippy over your life time – which may be cut short by eating this!
  3. Lots, yes lots of women have said they do their beauty regime early before their partners wake up – great I guess if you are a morning person…. but maybe a walk in the park might be a better option

And there are the tips that are well – crazy and dangerous

  1. Using a shot glass to plump your lips
  2.  Using deodorant on your face to help dry out pimples
  3. Using hairspray to “set” your make up
  4. Using lemon juice to lighten dark skin spots





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