
Awombda & Jan


Awombda Codd

My work is very intuitive and based on an experiential process. I have a passion for social justice and developing curiosity about social phenomena. My artist background is varied from theatre, music, photography, film and installation. I mostly enjoy collaborative work because I find being challenged essential in developing ideas beyond the self. Humour and enjoyment is an integral part of my creative process and are tools I utilize to produce dialogue around difficult topics. My artwork takes a critical view of social, political and cultural issues and is ever evolving.


Jan Allen

For the past 20 years in academia my work has been focused on teaching, supervising and researching arts based practice. Only recently have I become interested in developing my own arts practice, and in this process have become attentive to how collaborative arts making can augment the artistic product, the arts making process and also the wellbeing of artists.


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